Oils for wood and stain removers for marble: solutions for an impeccable home

Anti-stain treatment for wood and marble

Oils for wood and stain removers for marble: solutions for an impeccable home

Il Wood and marble they are very popular for floors and walls: used since ancient times, these materials are resistant and durable and promise to maintain their natural and sophisticated appearance for many years. Some substances, however, can damage them irreparably, creating stains and rings very difficult to eliminate.

For this reason, when installing a parquet floor or choosing a marble covering, it is good to consider a anti-stain treatment capable of protecting these precious materials from the effects of water, oils and acidic substances that can accidentally come into contact with the most delicate surfaces.

Obviously wood and natural stone require very different protections: while for parquet we rely on the protective action of wood oils which create a protective film on the surface, for marble they are used solvent-based impregnating agents which leave no trace and protect from the action of UV rays.

How wood protection oils work

- wood oils they act by penetrating deep into the fibers, impregnating the material without altering its natural breathability. There are several oils that can be used for protective treatment e stain for wooden furniture and parquet floors, each with its specific characteristics. Wood oils are used for a dual purpose: protect the surface, which is rendered water-repellent, and revive colors and textures of the wood, nourishing its fibers deeply.

These oils are distinguished in drying oils e not drying: the former act by forming a thin protective film (the oils polymerize, that is, they "dry" in contact with the air), while the latter are absorbed slowly and do not create any film on the surface. This last type of oil includes, for example,straw yellow oil andred oil, used to nourish and revive the essences of the furniture but not sufficient to guarantee water-repellence and stain-proof protection to the wood. For the anti-stain treatment of wood, however, so-called drying oils are used.

Drying oils for wood maintenance: what are they?

For stain-proof maintenance, you should opt for drying oils, which when drying form a solid waterproof patina capable of protecting wooden surfaces from liquids and acidic substances. The wood oils most used for anti-stain treatments are:

  • Tung oil: extracted from the seeds of Aleurites fordii (Tung tree), is one of the most functional and used for wood care. It has the characteristic of polymerizing, i.e. drying, very quickly;
  • Safflower oil: has various uses, including food and as a thinner for oil paints. Dries slowly and gives ahigh color stability to wood, protecting it from the effects of light;
  • Raw linseed oil: its low viscosity allows it to penetrate deeply into the wood fibers and dry quickly, creating a protective patina on the surface;
  • Cooked linseed oil: After cooking, linseed oil becomes more viscous and dries even faster. This type of oil requires particular attention since its polymerization occurs through a exothermic process, that is, it produces heat: this means that a rag soaked in linseed oil, if exposed to the sun, could be subject to spontaneous combustion.

In addition to these, oil formulations for maintenance and wood protection they may include other natural ingredients, including sunflower oil, walnut oil, soybean oil, and castor oil.

Stain-resistant wood oils: the New Chemical solution

For the stain protection of wood and internal parquet, New Chemical has studied a special oleowax composed of various wood oils of vegetable origin and waxes that soak deeply while maintaining the original breathability unaltered.

Is called Oil Wax W-10, and contains safflower oil, sunflower oil, hemp oil, castor oil, poppy oil, raw linseed oil, stand oil (cooked linseed oil) and propolis. Its formulation, delicately scented with lemon essences and candelilla wax, is suitable for all wooden surfaces: whether they are brushed, planed, serrated or smooth, theStain-resistant oleowax by New Chemical gives a natural and bright surface finish, without altering the colours.

The stain-resistant protective patina, which does not emit harmful substances neither during application nor after, it has excellent resistance to trampling and is free from electrostatic charges, for a protected, healthy and bright parquet, ideal for those who want a natural floor and protected to be appreciated even with bare feet.

Stain protection for marble: an essential treatment

Talking about marble and natural stone, the matter is completely different: it is in fact a very porous material of limestone origin, which in order to be protected and shiny needs to be thoroughly impregnated with a product that does not leave patinas or films on the surface. For this reason, we generally use solvent-based solutions which dry quickly and allow the natural transpiration of the stone.

The marble it must be protected above all from acidic substances, which can compromise it forever. It's not just a matter of avoiding very acidic liquids such as lemon juice, coffee or wine, but also products that may seem harmless to us such as soaps for the body with pH 5,5, which is already beyond the acidity threshold tolerated by marble.

New Chemical's solution for the protection of marble and stone (internal and external) is called Stone K-600: it is a solvent-based impregnating agent that evaporates slowly, providing a deep impregnation without altering the original color of marble and stones. It can be used on surfaces (smooth or matt) in natural stone, marble, granite and porcelain stoneware and it is very easy to use: thanks to its properties antislip, it can also be applied on vertical surfaces without any effort.

Its protective action does not stop atwater-oil repellent: a surface treated with Stone K-600 also acquires excellent resistance to abrasion and damage UV rays, for stain-proof marble and stoneware that retains its timeless charm intact.
