Ready for Chemical Connections?

Welcome to our contact page! Here at Newchemical Prevention, we believe that every great discovery begins with a simple question. Whether you're looking for a solution for your favorite surfaces, curious about the latest trends in sustainable chemistry, or simply want to say “Hi!”, you're in the right place.

Think of it as the perfect reaction: you provide the elements (your questions and ideas), and we add our catalyst (expert answers and tailored advice). Together, we can create something truly special.

Don't be shy, put our customer service formula to the test! Fill out the form, send us an email, or pick up the phone. We are here to transform all your doubts into certainty, with a smile. Because, at the end of the day, what matters is the chemistry between us and you. So, are you ready to start this reaction?

Here at Newchemical Prevention, we don't just formulate innovative chemical solutions; We are also dedicated to building strong, long-lasting relationships with you. Think of us as your trusted alchemists, always ready to transform your needs and curiosities into concrete and personalized solutions. Whether it's a simple question, a technical doubt or a specific need, our team is here to listen to you and guide you into the fascinating world of chemistry. Do not hesitate to reach our laboratory of ideas through the various channels available. We are excited to start a successful chain reaction with you!


  • Via Maestri del Lavoro, 10
  • 41034 Final Emilia (MO)
  • Phone: + 39 0535 91336
  • Fax: +39 0535 93763
  • Email:


Commercial office:

  • info@newchemical,it
  • 0535 91336 extension 1

Administration and export office:

  • 0535 91336 extension 2